This was the original photo of the background. I used the clone tool to copy the colours, textures and tones from the wood in the foreground and paste over the clutter behind it.
This was the result. I used darker tones from the wood along where the bottom of a wall would be to give the impression that there is a corner there. The hardness of the clone stamp was 0% enabling me to blend the tones effectively.
Next, I adjusted the levels (Image>Adjustments>Levels) of the entire photo by placing the black point and the white point to each side of where the 'hill' starts to balance the tones of the image.
Then I adjusted the curve (Image>Adjustments>Curves) and picked to point to move and turn in to a vague 'S' shape to brighten the photo and make the colours richer.
After that, I opened the image of the first apple in the sequence and firstly, I changed the image size (Image>Image Size) from 4928 pixels to 3000 pixels so that all 5 apples would fit on to the background.
Secondly, I used the magnetic lasso to select the apple and adjusted the levels (Image> Adjustments >Levels) in the same way as I did to the background.
I also did the same with Curves (Image>Adjustments>Curves) to bring out the colours in the apple.
Then put the background and the image of the apple beside each other in separate windows and used the Move Tool to drag the apple, which was still selected with the magnetic lasso, to the background and placed it on the left hand side of the image.
I then did the same with the other images of the apples and dragged the Marquee Tool round then went to Select>Inverse and adjusted the curves to darken the edges.
The result of the my editing. With this version, I wanted to make it look quite rustic and a bit rough around the edges and I think I achieved it quite well however, if I was to do it again I would probably do a different background.
____________Photo 2
Original photo of the apples lined up.
Firstly, I cropped the image because I felt that there was too much background and foreground around the apples and could cause distraction from the focul point.
Secondly, I selected the area behind the apples using the Magnetic Lasso Tool and went to Layers>New Fill Layer>Solid Colour to make it plain and more professional. I chose a dark grey.
Next, I dragged the magnetic lasso over the apples and around the bottom two corners and adjusted the levels of that area to balance the tones.
On the same area, I also adjusted the curves to make the vibrant colours stand out more and to stop them looking so flat.
Lastly, I darkened the corners of the image using the Marquee at 400 pixels.
What it looked like after editing.
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