
Monday, 22 April 2013

Idea 1 Testshots (2) Visiting Denny Abbey

I decided to go to Denny Abbey which is a farmland museum in Waterbeach as I have been there before and remembered that there was a lot of rusty farming equipment etc, perfect for my project. While I was there, an elderly man called Mike Delanoy approached me and was interested in why I was photographing tiny bits of the machinery there so I explained to him that it was for my GCSE project. After a long chat, he began telling me that his son, Craig,  started the museum at the age of just 4 but eventually his collection grew too big for their garden so they moved it to the abbey. Craig is now an engineer and his other son, Kevin, has been one of the producers of several films including Dark Night Rises, Mission Impossible, Saving Private Ryan and Titanic! 

Mike and Lorna let me take a photo of them in front of one of their rusty ploughs. They have both been awarded MBEs for their services to the museum.

 {         visit the museum website here       }

 I loved talking to Mike and Lorna because I found them very interesting and they had a number of exciting anecdotes to share with me. I was very flattered when Mike gave me his wife's email address so that I could send him my photos. He even said that if he's impressed, he may even get them put up in the gift shop or on the website. 

This is the card given to me by Mike and Lorna.

_______________________The Pictures

This is a photo I took of the wheel of a farming plough. I like this because I think I took it from a good angle and I how there is a lead in line to the point in focus. However, I don't feel that there is enough rustiness in the photo.

There was a small room with loads of tools and wood etc inside and in this room I found a wooden box of these chains. I was drawn to them because a lot of my previous research has shown a lot of chain photography. Although I like the photo, I think I should have focused on the middle part of the chain rather than the part in the background because when I look at it I think it looks like the whole image is out of focus.

I took this because I thought it looked neatly's messy because it's of an old unused piece of machinery covered in rust but all these long metal things are arranged the same distance apart and create symmetry in the photo. However, again I'm sure the photo shows enough rust.

This is my favourite photo I took. I adjusted the aperture of the camera to a narrow depth of field to ensure that only one of the metal rods was in focus. 

This is a chain on a small part of a farming plough. It caught my attention because I think the different colours of the rust and moss look pretty, especially as the sun is hitting it on the side. I decided to take it from this angle because it acts as a lead in line to the part of the chain in focus.

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